lundi 28 septembre 2020


Word formation: nouns Check_Your_English_Vocabulary_for_Medicine.pdf page 3 responses :

Two-word expressions (p. 3)

1. heart attack 

2. general anaesthetic

 3. bone marrow

4. surgical intervention 

5. primary tooth 

6. plastic surgery 

7. brain death 

8. bedside manner 

9. allergic reaction 

10. clinical trial 

11. malignant tumour

12. general practitioner 

13. biological clock

14. digestive system 

15. balanced diet


Listen : The nerve bypass: how to move a paralysed hand :

After a broken neck left him quadriplegic, Ian Burkhart was told he would never be able to use his hands. Now he can grasp a bottle and pick up a credit card by using a computer plugged directly into his brain. Special software is able to decode his thoughts and convert them into electrical signals in his hand, bypassing the damaged nerves in his spine. Now Ian has regained an amazing degree of control over his hand, each movement stimulated by his own thoughts. The research was carried out at The Ohio State University and Battelle Memorial Institute. Chad Bouton was based at Battelle for the duration of the project. He has since moved to the Feinstein Institute.

Read the paper here: And for more information check out the news article here: 13th April 2016

Word formation: nouns Check_Your_English_Vocabulary_for_Medicine.pdf page 4

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